Update: Daffodils are beginning to emerge and should reach peak bloom by early to mid-April. Tickets will be required. For more details, visit Daffodil Days and Daffodil Day Festival under “Annual Events”.


Ease your concerns with answers to these frequently asked questions.
Are you located within walking distance of the Summit Train Station?

According to Google Maps, it is a 19 minute walk to the Arboretum from the Summit train station.

Unfortunately, we do not have the space to store donations so we are unable to take them.

There is a water bottle filling station located in the Education Center.

There are a few items available for sale in the main office of Wisner House and in the Visitors Center.

No pets are allowed. Service animals for the visually impaired are an exception.

No. We recommend visiting downtown Summit for a variety of places to eat.

Picnic tables are available throughout the grounds and bistro tables are available on the bluestone terrace.

If you are alone or part of a small group (3-4 people) you may bring food to the Arboretum and eat in designated areas. We ask that you please take your garbage with you.


Is there anyone I can contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any questions not addressed above or require additional information, please contact Althea Llewellyn, Director of Education at (908) 273.8787 x 1920 or a.llewellyn@reeves-reedarboretum.org.

Yes, once a camp is full, a message will appear instructing parents to e-mail Althea Llewellyn at a.llewellyn@reeves-reedarboretum.org asking to be put on the wait list.

Yes, if your child has a serious allergy requiring the use of an epi-pen or Benadryl, please send it with your child in a clearly labeled zip loc bag along with any instructions. The Head Teachers will administer the epi-pen and/or Benadryl only in the event of an emergency.

We limit our Pre-K camps to 18 children with 2 counselors and a Head Teacher. Our Post-K camps have a maximum of 20 children with 2-3 counselors and a Head Teacher.

Since we spend a lot of time outside, campers should wear comfortable clothes and proper footwear including socks and sneakers (no sandals please!) If you would like your child to use sun block and/or insect repellant, it should be applied by you before camp.

All campers will need a snack and drink daily; campers participating in Lunch Buddies or one of our longer camps (9am to 2pm) should pack both a lunch and snack daily. Please send it in a container marked with your child’s name. Keep in mind that we do not have refrigeration facilities and that our classroom is a nut free zone so please refrain from sending nut-based products.

Campers must be 4 years old at the start of the camp session they are interested in regardless of whether or not they attended preschool.

You can register online by visiting www.reeves-reedarboretum.org/learn/camps/. You can also download a copy of the brochure, complete the registration form and return it with your payment.

Do you have a grant program for underserved schools?

If you think your school might qualify for this program, please contact the Education Department at (908) 273-8787 x1920 for details.

We can accommodate two school classes at one time with no more than 25 students per class.

To cancel a program you must notify the Education Department at least two weeks in advance of your trip. There will be no refunds or cancellations made less than two weeks prior to your trip. We reserve the right to cancel any program if payment is not received two weeks before a school’s visit. Programs are not cancelled due to inclement weather except in the case of extremely severe weather. In the event that the Arboretum cancels your program, your fee will be refunded if we are not able to reschedule.

Our programs are held outside unless the weather is severe so please dress for the weather and the outdoors. In case of severe weather we will modify the program and move the activities to an indoor area. Programs are not cancelled due to inclement weather though in very rare cases programs may be cancelled because of hurricane, ice or snow. In these cases, please call the Discovery Center at (908) 273-8787 x 2222 for a severe weather update.

We do not have indoor or covered picnic facilities; however, you are welcome to bring lunch and picnic on the grounds.

Programs for Preschool and Kindergarten are 1 – 1½ hours in length.
Programs for 1st grade and above are 1½ – 2 hours in length.

Programs begin at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

For Preschool and Kindergarten classes: $125 for up to 20 students
For 1st grade and above: $150 for up to 20 students
$5 for each additional child (not to exceed 25 students)
The fee for chaperones is included.

Payment is due at least two weeks prior to your visit. Payment can be made by check, credit card or purchase order.

The Education Department requires a three week notice to book a program. Dates are held on a first-come, first-served basis, so early registration is strongly recommended.

What is the most popular event for families?

Daffodil Day in April and Celebrate Fall in October are our two most popular events for families. You won’t want to miss them!

May I bring in my wedding party for picture taking?

Wedding photo sessions require a permit. Applications are accepted not more than 90 days prior to your requested date and are scheduled in accordance with Arboretum activities.

The Arboretum grounds are always open to the general public. However, the areas you are using will be reserved for your exclusive use.

Yes. The Arboretum has tables and chairs that can be rented at a nominal charge.

Yes, all parties, events, and business functions held at the Arboretum require event insurance coverage.

Yes, you may provide your own alcohol with the proper insurance coverage in place. Evidence of “Host Liquor Liability” must be included in the required event insurance coverage.

Any florist, band, DJ, or rental company is welcome to service your event. However, all vendors will be required to follow Arboretum policies including load-in and load-out procedures.

No. When food is a component of a rental, you must choose from a list of approved caterers that offer a broad range of menu options, styles, and pricing. We have carefully pre-screened our caterers to assure that they are thoroughly familiar with the Arboretum’s facilities and policies while offering you the highest quality of support and service.

The arboretum provides the venue only. Our approved caterers can provide the rest.

Yes, the Arboretum offers the option of tenting. Tent slots must be reserved upon contract. The fee for a tented event does not include the cost of the tent. Tents must be fully floored and erected by the Arboretum’s approved vendor.

The Arboretum does not hold dates without an active membership in place and the payment of a non-refundable deposit.

Yes, rental privileges are a benefit of membership. A tax-deductible membership is required to host a party, event, or business function at the Arboretum.