Via hands-on activities throughout the Arboretum, students will embark on the incredible journey of a seed. Students will learn how seeds are made and will be “pollinators” helping flowers to produce seeds. They will discover the diverse adaptations plants have developed for dispersal of seeds and play a game to see what factors help or harm a seed’s growth. In the greenhouse, students will closely examine a seed, then plant some in pots that they will take home at the end of the day.Via hands-on activities, students will embark on the incredible journey of a seed. Students will learn how seeds are made and will be “pollinators” helping flowers to produce seeds. They will discover the diverse adaptations plants have developed for dispersal of seeds and play a game to see what factors help or harm a seed’s growth. In the Greenhouse, students will plant seeds in pots that they will take home at the end of the day.
Program length: 1 ½ – 2 hours
This program emphasizes the following Next Generation Science Standards:
ESS2.A: Earth materials and systems
LS1.A: Structure and function
LS1.B: Growth and development of organisms
LS1.C: Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms
LS1.D: Information Processing
LS2.A: Interdependent relationships in ecosystems
LS2.B: Cycles of matter and energy transfer in ecosystems
LS2.C: Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience
LS2.D: Social interactions and group behavior
LS3.A Inheritance of traits
LS3.B: Variation of traits
LS4.B: Natural selection
LS4.D: Biodiversity and humans