Update: Daffodils are beginning to emerge and should reach peak bloom by early to mid-April. Tickets will be required. For more details, visit Daffodil Days and Daffodil Day Festival under “Annual Events”.


Please join us! We appreciate your support!

Volunteers are essential to the mission of Reeves-Reed Arboretum and are one of the greatest strengths of our organization. They provide vital support in the gardens and make special events and festivals possible. Our diverse volunteer network includes students, retirees, avid gardeners, teachers, nature lovers, corporate groups, those looking to volunteer for a few hours, and those looking to volunteer on a regular basis.

Enjoy the beauty of the Arboretum and the camaraderie of being a part of a committed community of Arboretum volunteers!

Weekly Sessions

Join our horticulture staff working outdoors in the spring, fall, summer and now winter, to maintain and enhance the beauty of our gardens and grounds. Registration is required in case of cancellations. Tasks vary from session to session and may include weeding, mulching, watering, etc.

Wear long pants, sturdy closed-toed shoes and long socks.
Bring insect repellant, sunscreen, and a refillable water bottle.
Bring rain gear if drizzles are predicted since we will still work in light rain

Weekly Ground Force Sessions

Work indoors or outdoors with our horticulturists to keep our grounds and gardens looking beautiful. Thursday Ground Force and Saturday Ground Force will take place from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm through the end of October and then from 1:30pm – 3:30pm beginning in November. Scroll down to register. Please register at least 24 hours before each session.

Weekly Woodland Restoration Sessions

Volunteers will reestablish existing trails, plant native trees, identify and remove invasives, as well as other tasks. No experience is necessary. Registration is required. Please email Trish (t.cassin@reeves-reedarboretum.org) to confirm Friday availability and to register. Please register at least 24 hours before each session.

Thursday Ground Force

Thursday Ground Force

Age 14+, Age 12-13 with adult

January – March : 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm  

April: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm  

Woodland Volunteers

Friday Woodland Restoration

Age 14+, Age 12-13 with adult

January: 9:30 am to 11:30 am

February – April: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm  

Saturday Ground Force

Age 14+, Age 12-13 with adult

January- March: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm 

April: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm  

We will supply gloves as well as all other tools and materials. For your safety, all tools and gloves are washed and sanitized. Please meet at the barn in our parking lot. If the session is cancelled due to inclement weather or any other reason, we will contact you.

First-time volunteers must bring a completed Volunteer Waiver form to their first volunteer session. 

Register for Volunteer Weekly Sessions

Thursday Morning Ground Force
Age 14+, Age 12-13 with adult
January – March: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm April: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Friday Woodland Restoration Sessions
Age 14+, Age 12-13 with adult
January: 9:30 am to 11:30 am February – April: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Saturday Morning Ground Force
Age 14+, Age 12-13 with adult
January- March: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm April: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Help with Festivals

A field of yellow and white daffodils

Daffodil Day Festival Volunteer Sessions

Sunday, April 13 

Daffodil Day Festival is a decades-old tradition in Summit, when visitors to the Arboretum have an opportunity to enjoy one of the largest daffodil collections in New Jersey – over 50,000 bulbs in bloom in the Arboretum’s glacially carved Daffodil Bowl! 

Volunteers will assist with arts, crafts, games and more!

Appropriate for ages 14+ thru adult

Please register below or email t.cassin@reeves-reedarboretum.org

Register to Help Maple Sugar Fest

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Maple Sugaring Fest (March 2)(Required)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Festival of Trees (December 8th)
Click and place a checkmark next to your preferred dates/shifts.
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Holiday Prep and Decor
Click and place a checkmark next to your preferred dates/shifts.
Daffodil Day Festival Volunteer Time Slots
Click and place a checkmark next to your preferred shifts.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Educational Opportunities

We are looking for volunteers who have a background in education, or just enjoy nature and working with children!

please contact Trish Cassin at t.cassin@reeves-reedarboretum.org or call (908) 273-8787 X1616.

Kids Can Cook

Ages 15 to Adult

Dates vary

Help us make delicious creations in the kitchen with our little chefs.

Arboretum Afternoons

Ages 15 to adult

Various Thursday Afternoons

We focus on a different nature topic every week, and everyone has fun!

Little Wonders

Ages 15 to adult

Various Monday Mornings

A child’s first exposure to nature. Toddlers with caregivers enjoy a new program with each class.

Let's Get Growing!

Ages 15 to adult

Dates vary – Weekday afternoons

Learn how food grows from seed to plate in this hands-on, interactive gardening program.

Homeschool Adventures

Adults Preferred

Various Thursday Mornings

Homeschoolers visit the Arboretum to explore the natural world.

Hands to Nature

Adults Only

Various Friday Mornings in Spring and Fall

The whole Arboretum becomes a classroom as volunteers work with small groups of elementary-age students from city schools to make exciting environmental discoveries!

Corporate Volunteers

please contact Trish Cassin at t.cassin@reeves-reedarboretum.org or call (908) 273-8787 X1616.

Corporate Volunteers

We welcome corporate volunteers at the Arboretum!

Volunteer Memberships

We value your time, expertise, and dedication!

Volunteers over the age of 18 and completing 12 hours of volunteer service receive an Individual Level Membership.